Thursday, December 10, 2015

Package Project- Avatar

This project was hoping to achieve the goal of designing some form of box or package of some form that was designed in the manor of visually depicting a word. The word chosen, in my case, was "Avatar", which in Hinduism means "a manifestation of a deity or released soul in bodily form on earth; in incarnate divine teacher." After much more careful research- on wikipedia, mind you- it has been revealed to me that the most used or seen avatars in Hindu stories are those (usually ten, sometimes nine) of Vishnu, the Divine Preserver of life. At times where his holy assistance was required, Vishnu would consign to the world an avatar of his own person, taking different and alien forms depending on the need. For example, when the Manu (it's sorta the Jesus of Hinduism, he's like the first man or something) was in danger of the deluge, Vishnu set his avatar Matsya (who took the form of a fish) to save the Manu.
In any sense, this parcel, taking the form of a pyramid-like shape, is decorated on its exterior with different avatars of Vishnu. The color scheme is a rectangle, consisting of orange, red, blue, and green (there are shades in-between also shown). This top image depicts the box as seen when folded up, in a casual view.

This image here depicts the shape as seen from above, where it can be noticed that, across the hands that hold the pyramid together, are inscribed the seven symbols of the Chakras of the human soul- more on that later.

This image shows the bottom of the pyramid, in which the word "Avatar" is spelled out in a font resembling sanskrit. Also seen is a piece of art depicting Brahma, with all of the other avatars, including the Trimurti.

This image depicts the inside of the box. Seen is a similar color pattern as the outside of the box, but inside is, rather than the external representations of a God, the seven chakras of the human soul. Each chakra represents a different feeling or sense, and while separate they are different pieces, together they form the human soul. Also included are two doors seen in the middle of the box, depicting Brahma- the creator in Hinduism.

And seen in this final image is the open doors of the interior, which now depict Shiva, the destroyer in Hinduism. Shiva is well known for her cosmic dance that brings about and destroys all. There's some symbolism here, I just know it.