Friday, October 23, 2015

Font- Presentation

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This is the presentation of the font I created, which I have aptly (at least to me) dubbed Gothic Cathedral, as it bears resemblance to old, gothic, or even victorian typefaces. This dark, almost medieval look is presented with overplayed imagery of the interior of a gothic cathedral, while the exterior of one looms high in the background. These overlaid images suits the name and feel of the text, so I used it to accompany the presentation of the font. For a display of what the font looks like when used, I used the simple clause "The quick brown fox jumped". To ensure that this example is visually pleasing, I overlaid the image of dark, foreboding storm clouds over the text, which matches the mood of the rest of the image as well as the style of the text in general.

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All letters of this font are contrived from the single square-like object in the bottom of the picture above. Each letter has a very similar shape and structure; they all have the same width of each column in the letter. The overall theme is something sort of old, almost runic and stone-like. Eventually I plan to define the shape of the letters more- make the lines smoother with chips taken out so as to appear stone-like, perhaps overlay or mask an image of old or cracked stone. So far this font has progressed from being more free-form, almost Grecian in appearance. Eventually it evolved to bear the uniform square-like appearance that it now has.

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This is a basic dissection of the different parts of the text seen in the font.

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