Monday, October 5, 2015

Grid and Screenshot Work- Rivendell

(Click to enlarge)
For this piece, I began with only two pictures from the movie The Lord of the Rings found online: the classic head-on view of Rivendell (from Fellowship of the Ring) and the side view (or landscape view) of Edoras (from The Two Towers). The image of Rivendell is the base of the photo, with distorted pictures of Edoras distributed throughout. To create emphasis in this piece while harnessing the power of the grid, I found the city of Rivendell in the image and brought that above the outer landscape. I then copied and pasted this image of the city of Rivendell four times, then used the image trace tool to make them black and white. I then placed these four images behind the city, which makes it stand out more in comparison to the other images on the screen. I created balance in that I placed multiple images (with different opacity settings as well as image trace choices) of the Eye of Sauron over each other, as well as the same technique (with different choices and settings) on the left hand side and upwards to balance out the eye. To make this picture what it was in its essence, I used the screenshot tool on small or large segments of the photo of Rivendell- both capturing images vertically and horizontally, as well as standalone squares or rectangles. To these separate images, I added image trace effects as well as opacity settings to make each one different from the last while still having the illusion of retaining structure. An example of this can be found in the red and blue horizontal vertical lines that can be seen going across the piece; these lines are not just solid colors, but instead have effects on them to retain the images beneath them- with a slight twist. These processes create a diverse and abstract piece that is not what it originally was but has become something new and exciting on its own.

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